EVILFEAST – Mysteries Of The Nocturnal Forest, CD
Originally released in 2004, Mysteries of the Nocturnal Forest is a sarcophagi of despair as the album’s nine tracks account for a hour’s worth of raw misanthropic misery. Hauntingly primal, the album’s evocative nature is matched by its flawless lo-fi production of ghostly guitars and ethereal synths. Evilfeast’s lone multi-instrumentalist, GrimSpirit, begins his prolific body of work with a wintry dissonance. With over two decades of depraved black metal under his belt, it is easy to see why Evilfeast belongs alongside Burzum, Paysage d'Hiver and Midnight Odyssey.
Tunes & Poetry written by Evilfeast during the years 1999-2003. Recorded at Funeral Sound Studio un October & November 2003. Produced by GrimSpirit. Layout & pictures by GrimSpirit.
/Quote Eisenwald
1.Ode to a Rising Fullmoon (Intro) 03:36
2.Immerse into Cold Mist 07:12
3.Thy Woods Are Sacred 08:33
4.Towards the Funeral Winternight Landscape 09:56
5.Solitude Apotheosis 02:57
6.Descending Winds of Holocaust 07:34
7.The Black Heavens Open 09:13
8.Morbid Rejoice 07:06
9.Desolate Fields Left (Outro) 02:56