"Noder" - new single from Linnea Hjertén

17 nov 2023

“Noder” (‘Nodes’) is the second single from the upcoming debut album of Linnea Hjertén. “Nio systrar” will be released by Nordvis on January 12, 2024.

Listen to “Noder” here:

Linnea’s music is less about the style and more about a different quality, sound, or purpose. As a natural extension of her spiritual practices, she reached a point where the melodies had to break the confines of her private sanctuary. The compositions had initially served a wide range of purposes: as grounding forces, as enhancements of energies, and as manifestations of intent to release that which no longer served her.

Linnea commented:

You view the world from a perspective you’ve never experienced before. You find yourself at a junction and see how everything interconnects in nodes. You don’t know where to go – only that you must continue to wander. Sooner or later, you’ll arrive at the next node. Sometimes, you wander in darkness, and sometimes the loneliness is palpable. But you know of something unspoken, and therefore, you keep walking.